New Zealand Spanish Translation Specialist

Mobile: 022 4275475

English or Spanish

Personal and Police Certificates

Translation of Personal Documents and Police Certificates


As part of the application process for a New Zealand Work Visa, Residency or Citizenship the following personal documents may be required:

  • Birth certificates
  • Police clearance certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • Divorce certificates
  • Death certificates
  • Identity cards and travel documents

If your documents are in Spanish, then we can provide you with a certified translation of them into English.

A Police certificate is required from your country of citizenship, and from any country you have lived in for 12 months or more (whether in one visit or intermittently) in the last 10 years. The Police certificates must be less than six months old when you submit them to Immigration New Zealand.

Immigration New Zealand require that all documents you supply with your application should be either originals or certified copies of originals. If you send certified copies, they may ask for originals at a later date.

‘Certified copies’ are photocopies that have been stamped or endorsed by a person who confirms the copy is a true copy of the original. The person who certifies the copy must be authorised to do so by law. In New Zealand this is a Justice of the Peace, notary public, lawyer or Court official. Please refer to our post about the free service provide by the New Zealand Justice of the Peace in certifying copies of documents.